Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sleeping beauty.


If you've been following along you'd know I get work done for my teeth. yesterday, I went into surgery for more teeth implants and bone grafts on the bottom. So I've been on pain Meds and antibiotics ect.
But over all sleep. Which is nice. 

However I'm bored as hell and writing in my little black journal only does so much. On the other hand, I'm not in much pain. Really. High pain tolerance is a gift.

When i was waking up from surgery i could hear the nurses call me sleeping beauty and a trooper. this would be my 5th surgery. Although ,its minor and i walk out of the ortho surgeons office the same day. At the end of the day its still surgery. And the worst is over.

August 5th some summers ago I had jaw surgery. They re set my top and bottom jaws.  I had an underbite class 3. At that time I had braces to straighten things out and make room for teeth implants. they also took out baby teeth. Anyways i remember this next bit as clear as day.

I was waking up and i could feel the breathing tube down my throat. I hated that feeling. Scratchy throat. And it hurt. My mom and dad came into the ICU. And a big fat tear rolled down my face. I tried to get the tube out of my mouth but then the nurse came in and everything went black. I woke up and my mom and dad were still there. But I had restraints on. Guess I wanted the tube out. And the nurse did take it out. Recovery for that surgery sucked. However im allergic to codine in t3s so i got morphine. that But my close friend and her sister came to visit, which was awesome. And I drooled a lot. Ate my liquid food from a syringe cause my teeth were wired shut as together. Well it was like a hard plastic thing that attached to my brace and attached to the bottom brace. There was enough room to fit the syringe in between to eat. There was a little plastic tube that went on the syringe. When I laughed my brother called me chewbaca or chewy for short. Good times. 

So this recovery in going through is like eating cake. Which I want so bad. 

I get to eat jello, ice cream, scrambled eggs, soup, smoothies etc. who doesn't love that stuff... Oh... Maybe some people do. Oh well.

I look like a chipmunk. It's hilarious. I can't really talk or laugh and I want to so bad!!!so my good friend of 15 plus years of friendship is comin over. Shea's a doll. Sister from another mister. 

Thank you science my pain Meds are kickin in
I'm going to be all cat women now and MIA. But I'll be back. When I'm healed up. 

As for my parents. Seems like therapy is working. I mean nothing's perfect. They hit bumps in the road but both of them are trying. They really do love each other. when their marriage is at a healthier stage. Im gonna thank my dad for trying. for working at their marriage and being there for the whole family. 

Other then the obvious stated above. Life is good. I got a great boyfriend. And my work is looking for a full time support worker for one of the children in the center. I've worked with her before and I have experience. So I think it's a job i would do well in. yup. Pain  Meds. Magnifies. Happiness X 372727272. 

Take it easy !  

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