Friday, March 15, 2013

shelf life


My relationship with my books on my shelf are like one night stands. I read them and put them on my book shelf. Sometimes, but rarely, I go back to read them. Only if, I know there's a motion picture coming out about it. Even then, I don't read the whole thing, but parts I think are important and don't want to forget. Also, it makes it easier to harshly critize movies based on best sellers. Like,``The Twilight Series`` because everyone critizes it.

And just to be clear. I appreciate a good book. ``Twilight`` was good, grammer errors or not. By all means disagree with me. But fact is, I couldn`t put it down. That means something. So if that makes me loose cool points. I make it up with this; ``50 shades of Grey``...makes up for it. Even then, I only read the sex scenes. But really, Stephanie Meyer has made it big, haters or supporters could agree. She even has a new book and new movie coming out. And a new series out on book shelves. Oh and the author who wrote ``50 shades of Grey`` she has a movie coming out based on the book as well. Harry Potter fans no what I`m talking about here. Emma as innocent as she was, now the front runner for being cast as the main protaganist. EPIC!

And there should also be something said for poorly written books making it big. How...unfair and cruel it is for authors trying to do the same thing, whom haven`t caught their break. But with actual substance to their work. Origonality, isn`t easy to come by. Once you get it, you go with that. And getting someone to publish your work, that`s up to their standards. I can imagine how hard that must be. I find it interesting how franchises come out of books, movies, etc. Why does everything have to have a social branding. This generation outside sources tell people whats cool and whats not. What`s good or terrible. For crying out loud! Let us have our own voice! And a pro about book shopping is this, no one can tell you what book you should by, even if you ask for help, it`s your choice in the end. Why can`t it be like that. How come everything has to be made into a movie. And I say that wishing one day it would happen to me. But a girl can dream. You know what. I`d love to do an double blind experiment with books that have only the title on them and books that they sell now. I`d love to know the outcome to that. Ugh, enough of that rant.

Books and I have a bond that will never break. As soon as I see one I immediatly imprint on it. If the cover is artistically crafty, the summary on the back is refreshing, and how many critics raved about it. I enjoy my teen fiction authors: Sarah Dessen, Emily Griffin, Jodi Picoult, J.K Rowling, Meg Cabot, etc. I'm aware the ones I listed aren't in the teen fiction category. And there's lots of authors I enjoy.

I tried to stray away from the predictable love stories. But why change what you love? Other then my collection being a bin full of kids books that I will one day, use as resources for teaching. I have books from highschool and grade eight. The classics: "To Kill A Mocking Bird", "The Chrysalids", "The Pigman", etc. To text books from college such as my psychology 101 text. And no I don't think I'm a psychologist because I took one course on it. My head isn't that far up my arse.

Maybe that's why I'm fasinated with writing novels like the genre I can't seem to put down, and move on from (question mark won`t work on this keyboard "/%%?&&"!!!). Well, lately I've been getting into the sci-fi/ fantasy/ teen fiction relm. But there has to be some sort of love plot there. And in the past I`ve gotten into some dark and twisted books. There`s only one book I could put down and let it collect dust, and I can`t even remember the name of it.

Lately, I haven`t been writing anything but journal enteries, blogs, poems, and lyrics. I started writing a new novel, but that flat lined before I got to the fourth chapter. Life caught up and said,``NO!``while slapping the top of my hand. All I want to do is complete my dream of one day publishing a novel. And if my all my favourite authors can...why can`t I. My only logical answer to this, is that I`m not working harder on my dream. I``m not pushing myself or challenging myself to pour myself into writing one. Distractions are an excuse. The only person I`m fooling is myself, saying I wouldn`t be good enough. And I know what I am capable of. At the end of the day, I believe I can do it. Also, not having enough time is bullshit. Somedays, when I`m not working that is, I sit at home on my bed and be super lazy. I have all the inspiration in the world. It just takes that one idea, that`s orgigonal, refreshing, and unique. When I get that, there`s no stoping me.

Sorry to go back to a point I made earlier. Branding. Social branding. Other people finding things acceptable. marketting and advertising the hell out of it until it is cool. Why the hell do people drink Coke if they know how bad it is for you. Why do people post personal things on facebook if they know that information is sold to companies for information and data collecting. Why do people tweet to strangers who theyve never met but by all their albums and go to their sold out concerts. why dont people read a god damn book anymore. Why.

Well we can`t go back to in time to history. Only push forward. I want to break cycles and break all the rules. I want to save lives. And books. And make a difference in the world. I want a world where people actually converse with each other then texting over a cell phone. And other then improvemants and invancements in technology. I`d also like to see Mental Health adressed and something done to support it. Not that it isn`t but it`s not enough. I don`t mind being greedy in the prospects of helping others. I want to read a good book that will make me think for days about it. That lets me escape into that made up world for just a moment. I want a movie that hasn`t been an adaptation of a book, or adaptation of a movie already made. I want social media to be about a mix of material and non materialistic things. That do good and influence the community in a positive way. I`d like to see funds be put into reasearch and all of it not a percentage. I want a motivational speaker who`s been a bully and been bullied. I want the generations to come to be self assertive, self confident and determined for a better today. I want them to come up with ways I`ve never thought of. Books I`d only dream to read about. That censorship will never exisit. Cancer will be cured. Medical advances science dreams about for the sick. That there won`t be or need to be gangs or drug lords. That violence is mediated before crisis. Or ebolished completely. That people can fall and love and marry whom ever they want. Gay, straight, lesibian, transgender, transexual, black, white, asian, oriental, native, american, russian etc, the list goes on for days. I want a Prime Minster and President that aren`t puppets to congress or parliment. It`s not always them that can`t keep promises. It`s usually the goverment that tells them what to do and how to do it. I wish they had their own voice. I wish we could protest and things would be done right. For crying out loud...I don`t see why we don`t support the people living in our own community. The homeless..the whoever, artists, musicians, students, etc. I want a world where war is the very last option out of many. That our troops could come home this year. I world that takes better care of it`s enviornment. Cigarettes that are actually great for your body. Or just have them never made ever again. A world where food doesn`t have any artifical anything in it. And even though hate and all those negative things that are in the world, will be around. There`s hope for humanity...there`s a better tomorrow awaiting us.

I just want a good god damn book. And a full life.

Get outside. Pay it forward. Love who you are.

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