Saturday, June 1, 2013

Music Appreciation


When you see a cross, what do you think? Two sticks put together and tied with twine? Or Jesus Christ?

When you see red, blue, and white flashing lights. The sound of a fast car coming from behind you, and a loud siren. You get the hell out of the way. Police car has somewhere important to be. are being pulled over. 

When you see a no smoking means exactly what it is. Can't smoke here. You shouldn't be anyways!

When you see a no parking sign. Don't freaking park there or you will be towed.

However, in all seriousness, when you hear music. You think a million different things. 

knee slappin honkey tonk good ol time
Big band
little band
"I need another beer"
" I love you"
"I hate you"
"I miss you"

Music literally covers all the bases. From the beginning of time to where music is now and what music could become. Music is like a whole person, body, mind and soul. It's psychological, philosophical, cognitive, physical, and just plain awesome. 

So when people ask me...

"What kind of music are you into?"

And they don't want to hear some general answer like,

"Oh everything."

They're making conversation, trying to see what interests you/ what you have in common with each other.

SO I say:
"I have an appreciation for music. There is stuff I don't really listen to. But I'm open to hearing different styles/ genres."

And then the conversation flows after that. Naturally.

I mean we look at the classics:

Billy Idol 
The Beatles
Michael Jackson
Shania Twain
Paul Brandt
Rolling stones
Elton John
Annie Lennox
Elvis Presley 
Jimmy Hendrix
ZZ top
George Michael
Tim McGraw
The who
Backstreet boys
Beastie boys

I could go on forever. The list doesn't end. But these people influenced artists like Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Justin Beiber, John Mayor, Luke Bryan, Justin Timberlake, etc. And it's so easy so so easy to point and laugh behind a screen. Recently, Justin Beiber and Taylor Swift have been in almost every celebrity magazine. They get judged on what they do and not what the produce. And even then one person loves their songs and ten people hate them. Which is fine because I'm a critic too! But I really think people just loose appreciation for the lyrics, the instruments, the whole process of putting out an album because it ain't easy. It's just as hard if not worse to get noticed for talent. Then to make an album shortly after and have it stepped all over. These are people's jobs! It must be tiring trying to please everyone at once and try to please yourself. 

I look at Lady Gaga.  Classically trained, been playing piano all her life. Dropped out of a art school and now look at her. She  creates music people believe in. It's not just all about her cause she does her own thing. It's the messages in her songs. It's that she puts everything she has in it to make it the best. And writes or co writes every song. She got dropped from Def Jam one can touch her she's so freaking awesome. The best part is what she does for others. How she brings people together, like the Beatles did. She gives back and reaches out. She's human. And real. She's a role model. If I were amazingly talented( which comes with hard work) like her. I'd do it exactly the way she is doing it now. Cause no one is doing it. She's so original. Anyone who tries to copy her looks like a phoney. Or a rebel. Or a diva. She's just herself. And that's what's so amazing. She does her own thing. Everyone doesn't all love her, but from this generation forward. She left a mark on society. She changed and possibly saved lives. She will be remembered. If she played acoustic guitar or electric. Even the drums for one of her shows. It'd be sick. Even if she sticks to the piano she'll never fade out. Cause her little monsters won't let her.

I look at Taylor Swift. The fact that she writes her own lyrics, music, and she nails it. OK. This is going to sound mean. I've heard blown away, jaw dropping, standing ovation voices. Taylor can sing. But. It's her lyrics. It's her connection to her fans. Ya so what she writes about dudes or ex boyfriends? She made a huge risk moving to Nashville. And she's pulling it off and proving to haters that she's not going anywhere anytime soon. Everyone is just so fascinated to find out WHO she dated etc. Maybe they should leave the lyrics up to interpretation. And they are relatable. Witty. Cute. Catchy. And if you haven't been caught singing "22" or "We will never get back together" or "I knew you were trouble" or "The lucky one" ...well i could name off the whole "Red" album. Then you aren't doing it right! How could you not want to sing along to those songs?! They are so different from her older stuff but just as good. That "RED" album, I associate a certain someone from my past. But I have no shame in standing up for her. It's like. She says everything you want to say, and can't seem to figure it out, but she beats you too it, and nails it in song form. So what she's seen a lot of HOT actors/ artists? She could buy a hockey team with her net worth. And people just bring her down every chance they get. Calling her a slut for living her life how she pleases. That's just silly. Most of us are adults. We shouldn't be setting bad examples for little pre teens. Anyways, I will forever love Taylor Swift. She writes lyrics that mean something. 

I look at Ke$ha. Who is just plain weird but i freaking love it. Cause well...I'm so weird. And I've been watching her new reality show on MTV. That girl is awesome. I'm going to a Pitbull and Ke$ha concert this wednesday coming up. And i can't wait to sing to all of her songs. I mean. I don't know them all but i'm a huge fan. This is another woman who has struggled with the media AKA Perez Hilton. And didn't deserve that non sense he wrote about her. He has the power to change peoples perspectives on other artists but it ain't right. When I look at Ke$ha, I sometimes find myself. Little ugly duckling Shannon in high school. Couldn't get guys to look at her and now look at us. People just wanna get in on the action and take a look behind the scenes. How we got to be... dieing to know this beautiful person. She writes her own music. She's struggled. But again, she does her own thing. I respect that. And she's talented. I mean "C'mon" !!! Her songs are sooooo catchy! She just seems so real. Like what you see is what you get. And I'm the same way. 

I look at Justin Beiber. And think. Shit, he's going through a rough patch with the media. And he should. He's young, makes mistakes, and gets a little wild. So what? Better now then a serious problem to booze or hard drugs. If he wants to smoke weed. No one. Not even his fans can stop him. Will maybe his mom. But Patty is an angel! She created a voice and talent. A boy that is becoming a man and changed the face of music. His documentary was so moving i cried. It made me want to keep playing guitar. And not to keep a guy...because I love playing for me. Justin also gives back. He's a good person. His songs will live on by themselves. And for the record, I don't know how much of the press is real or  fake. But everyone just loves to see a star fall. It's so sad. He's trying to make a living. Just leave him be. His fans are a little....hardcore. But they believe in him. And that's cool to see.  I mean  I can sit here and go on and on about every artist that has influenced me or society. 
But, that would take me years. Frankly, this is just my opinion. This is my appreciation. Don't get me wrong I can sit here and spit out words about each artist and what they are doing wrong. Although, who am I to judge? I've never made an album. I don't often sing to get noticed. My shower thinks I'm Mariah Carry. But only in the shower. Obviously. And ya I'll keep getting better. I just don't think I'm the type of person to survive that kind of lifestyle. Don't get me wrong I like being the party and center of attention. It's just not right for me. So when people hate other musicians. And critize them. It's really just bullying unless they have actually good advise to help them. Then tear them down. 

So that's my rant. It's hard to be like, "Just be kind to everyone." Cause it's impossible to eliminate hate. But not impossible to create awareness. It's possible that there will be artists that rise above the rest. Like the musicians i've mentioned. And beat em all out in one punch. Knock music over on it's ass and just winnnnnn. The future is impossible to predict. For all you know I could become a viral hit on youtube? Or star on Ellen? Or become a best seller author? Is it too much to ask though, that people just appreciate that there's even music at all? Everything is connected in some way. I just feel like it's so much harder to waste energy and hate. When you can be productive, learn new things, do the things you love. And it wouldn't be the same world without these artists...we can all be honest about that. 

Don't text/ drink or drive!
Arrive alive
Be safe
have fun

Happy Saturday
Cheers! Love!


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